Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.
We hope to cover some of the more frequently asked questions from our customers here. If you have any other questions not covered here, please feel free to contact us.
Q: Do you take debit or credit cards?
A: Yes we do. We do charge a 4% processing fee.
Q: What is Kickapoo Wild Adventures location?
A: We are located less than a mile North of Ontario on Hwy 131. We have a huge sign out front so you won’t miss us.
Q: Can we have glass bottles on the river?
A: Absolutely not, we have a –No glass on the river– policy. We don’t want anyone getting cut on a piece of broken glass.
Q: What should we bring?
A: Drinks, snacks, coolers, sun block, bug spray, zip lock bags, water proof cameras, and ice.
Q: What should we wear?
A: Dress for the weather. Swim suits in the warmer months. Wear old shoes that you can get wet.
Q: What NOT to bring?
A: No glass bottles. Anything that you don’t want to lose, such as cameras, keys, and cell phones. If you don’t need it on the river, leave it in your car.
Q: Can we bring our pets?
A: Your pets are welcome to come, but you the owner of the pet are responsible for them. Your dog will enjoy the Kickapoo just as much as you will.
Q: Do you offer camping?
A: We offer limited camping, meaning outside water, porta potties, and a fire pit. Camping is on a case by case basis.
Q: Do you have trash cans and recycling?
Yes. We have trash and recycling containers on KWA premises, otherwise we ask that you take your refuse with you.